
In Scottsdale, AZ

Two innovative methods for a lower eyelid lift.

What is Canthoplasty & Canthopexy?

As we age, the skin naturally loses elasticity and starts to sag. Sagging eyelid skin under the eyes can significantly age your appearance or make you look chronically tired. Cosmetic eyelid surgeries like canthoplasty and canthopexy are used to restore a more youthful appearance and enhance the appearance of the eyes. Canthoplasty and canthopexy are two different techniques used to widen the eyes into a flattering almond shape and improve the look of drooping eyelids. This is accomplished by tightening

the muscles and suspensory ligaments at the corners of the eyes to lift sagging skin on the lower eyelids. The main difference between these techniques is that canthoplasty is a bit more invasive. Rather than pulling back the muscles, as done with canthopexy, the canthoplasty technique cuts and shortens them for a tightening effect. Although these techniques are mainly used for lower eyelid surgery, the upper eyelids can also be treated by adding canthoplasty or canthopexy to upper eyelid surgery.

Would You Benefit from Canthoplasty or Canthopexy?

Men and women in overall good health who are nonsmokers and do not have a history of bleeding problems are the ideal candidates for cosmetic eyelid surgery. If you have the following concerns, you can benefit from the canthoplasty or canthopexy procedures:

  • Droopy eyelids
  • Downturned eyes
  • Tilted or uneven eyelids

The Canthoplasty & Canthopexy Procedure

At Arizona Oculoplastic Specialists, we often use local anesthesia (rather than general anesthesia) for a smoother, quicker recovery. During the procedure, tiny incisions will be made at the corners of your eyes and then the muscle will either be pulled into position or cut and sutured into its new position. The canthoplasty or canthopexy procedure alone takes about 30 minutes but this time varies depending on whether other eyelid surgeries are simultaneously performed.

Canthoplasty & Canthopexy Recovery

After your eyelid lift, mild eyelid swelling and bruising are common. Dr. Ghafouri may prescribe you pain medication to be taken as needed along with over-the-counter anti-inflammatory and pain medication. Applying a cold compress and keeping your head elevated while sleeping for about one week will also help alleviate swelling and discomfort. Most swelling will subside after one week, but complete healing will take about six weeks. Avoid strenuous activity, sun exposure, and direct heat for several weeks or until Dr. Ghafouri has cleared you.

Meet Dr. Ali Ghafouri

Dr. Ghafouri MD, FACS, is a board-certified ophthalmologist with specialized training in oculoplastic and orbital surgery. His exclusive specialization in cosmetic and reconstructive eyelid and facial surgery sets him apart from other plastic surgeons who practice a larger range of facial and body surgeries. The eyes are a complex and dynamic structure that requires the trained eye of an eyelid surgeon like Dr. Ghafouri to achieve the best possible results. He has performed over 12,000 aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries, each with a personalized approach and commitment to exceptional results.

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“Upon an excellent recommendation, I saw Dr. Ghafouri for eyelid surgery and after discussing procedures, I opted for upper eyelid surgery and laser resurfacing to remedy under eye dark circles and bags. While resurfacing was a bit more intense, eyelid surgery was easy given the care and attention I was afforded. The technician who performed laser resurfacing coached me through recovery at every step, concern and question. Dr. Ghafouri’s advice and explanations during follow-up care have been invaluable and during the entire 4-month time frame, the entire staff was caring and attentive. Couldn’t have asked for more.”

“I had a consultation for an upper and lower blepharoplasty with Dr.Ghafouri. He was very attentive and suggested some other minor procedures that would improve the overall results. He answered all my questions.”

“I couldn’t be more pleased. A week after my procedure my nephew came over and asked why I looked so much younger. I shared that I had surgery on my upper lids. There was minimal discoloration with following the information to the letter. I’m still wondering how Dr made me look like myself only younger. I told my husband my vision has gone from a regular movie theater to a I Max. The facility is beautiful and the staff very kind and welcoming. I had an eye specialist tell me he wouldn’t let anyone but Dr. Ghafouri do his Oculoplastic.”



Dr. Ghafouri offers virtual consultations for out-of-town patients. We see patients from all across the country who trust Dr. Ghafouri’s unique skills and expertise for their facial or eyelid surgeries. If you choose to travel to Arizona for your surgery, we can also recommend hotels and other resources to make your stay comfortable.

To schedule a virtual consultation with Dr. Ghafouri Click here.

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